The Aloesin Specifications
Aloesin, a skin care cosmetic Ingredient
Aloesin is a C-glycosytated chromone
Derived from the Aloe Ferox plant
Indigenous to South Africa.
Product Specifications
- CAS Number: 30861-27-9
- Purity: >98%
- Physical Appearance : off white product.
- Long term storage
Conditions: Store at – 20C
Physical/Chemical Properties
- Molecular Formula = C19H22O3
- Molecular Weight = 394 g/mol
- Melting point = 142-144C with sintering
- UV(MeOH) Amax,[a]25; D + 59.2 = 216,250,254,298
- IR(KBr)vmax = 3300,1715,1662,1596cm”
- Solubility : Freely soluble in water and polar organic solvents, especially alcohols.
- Stability: Store in dark at room temperature. Photocatalyzed degradation
- Observed, especially in solution. Resistant to thermal denaturation and mild acid hydrolysis (100C in2M HCI-EIOH (1:1) for 1.5 hors).